Thursday, November 17, 2022

Rest Up and Get Well! (and Thursday Agenda Items)

Hello friends! Happy Thursday!

We were a small but might group at school this morning! 

Thank you to all students who worked so hard and put up with Mme's non-existent voice this morning! And to those who were away, rest up and feel better soon! We look forward to having the whole class back together soon! :)



1. Completing missing work - Mme Careen's class will be open again on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of next week for any students who would like to complete missing tasks due to absence. If you have been away and are unsure as to whether or not you are missing any work, please check in with Mme Careen to find out.

2. Term 1 Celebration of Learning Conferences: TODAY from 4:30 - 6:30.
No appointment needed! Please allow your child to take you on a tour of their learning spaces and walk you through some of their daily learning routines! 
(Please note: one-on-one conferences/discussions about your child's learning will not be possible that evening. If you would like to discuss your child's progress and ask specific questions, please email to set something up for another time. Thank you.)

3. Spend some time reading this three-day weekend! This site has lots of options!

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