Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Tuesday Tomatoes!

Hello! Happy Tuesday!

We had a chance to re-pot our tomato plants to bring home and also celebrated our tomatoes by writing and special tomato-themed Haiku! 🍅

If you brought your tomato plant(s) home today, please be sure to set them up near a window and water them often! When time to replant again, there is no need to remove the plant from its current pot; the peat pot will break down in new soil allowing the roots to continue to grow and take root in its bigger home. 
Happy tomato growing! :)



 1. CFOO - Please see the CFOO post for all the details! First presentation is set for Thursday, December 1.

2. Science Design Process - Students began brainstorming, researching and planning their plant experiments today in class. A due date has not yet been set, but projects will likely be due the week of December 5. More work time and project details will be provided in class over the coming week.

3. Read, read, read! Please set aside a minimum of 10 minutes each evening to read in French. Je Lis (our home reading site) is now set up and ready to use. Please see the email sent home last week for more the details. https://jeunesse.short-edition.com/ is another great site if looking for a bit of variety.

4. Basketball News:
The Basketball ID camps for those interested in the Tier 1 and Tier 2 Teams start this week. 
Girls will start Wednesday 3:45-5:30pm
Boys will start Thursday 3:45-5:30pm
More dates will follow.
If the child is new to the sport or doesn't get identified as a Tier 1 or Tier 2 player:
Atomic basketball (2 lunch time practices a week, 2 half day tournaments, ½ court 4-4) will start in January after the break. 

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