Hello! Happy Wednesday!
Today in Math we worked on a PEDMAS puzzle. It was a bit tricky because there were not clearly defined outside/corner pieces, so we had to do lots of Math to figure it out! :)
1. CFOO #2 - Créativité. Presentations are Monday, December 19.
2. Read, read, read! Please set aside a minimum of 10 minutes each evening to read in French. Je Lis (our home reading site) is now set up and ready to use. https://jeunesse.short-edition.com/ is another great site if looking for a bit of variety.
3. Brainwork (Francais): Students are encouraged to start brainstorming topics that they'd like to debate in class. We'll be working on a series of debate questions up until the break and then again in January.
4. A message from the school (Mme Troop): With the holiday spirit in the air, I wanted to find a way for our students to give back to the community (and promote physical activity:) ). I will be organizing 3 dodgeball games (12:10-12:45) leading up to the break. Entry into the game will be 1 non-perishable food item in a tin can. The Grade 6 game will be Wednesday, December 21.
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