Tuesday, February 21, 2023

100 Day!

Hello, friends of learning! Happy Tuesday! Happy 100th day of school!

We had a great morning celebrating 100 days of learning together!

First up, a 100-day themed Math puzzles!

Next up, a 100-day themed Amazing Race activity!

Finally, Mme's favourite activity: "Le défi de 100 secondes." How many push-ups and chair sits can you do in 100 seconds? How many times can you print your name or hop on one foot? After estimating our totals, we put ourselves to the test to see if our predictions were correct!

Watch us in action HERE or HERE or HERE or HERE!

Happy 100 Day! Here's to 100 more great days of learning. :)



Journée de chandail rose - Pink Shirt Day - Tomorrow (Wednesday) 

1. Read, read, read! Je lis or https://jeunesse.short-edition.com/ or a French reading site of your choice!

2. Math: Upcoming multiples and factors assessment - Thursday, February 23.
* Consider logging in to NetMath to complete any unfinished 'books.'  The questions are an excellent way to review for the upcoming assessment!

3. Math: We will be reviewing the multiples and factors review sheet tomorrow (Wednesday) in class.

4. CFOO # 4 - Opinions. Tomorrow. (Wednesday)
Assignment outline is posted in Teams.

4. Lemonade and Bookmarks for Reading!
Every Tuesday for the month of February, lemonade and bookmarks will be sold in front of the office at lunchtime, with proceeds going to the Children's Hospital. Lemonade - $2, Bookmark - $1. Exact change is appreciated! :)

5. Le casse-croûte has reopened

Hours of operation: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:50 - 12:10. 

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