Monday, February 27, 2023

A Novel Study + Monday Agenda Items

Zamboni by François Gravel

We have started a novel study (Zamboni) in Français. We will be reading the book together as a class and will be dong word work, class discussion, and independent reflection with each chapter. For the next three weeks, if students are absent from school, they will be asked to check in Teams to read (and listen to) the day's chapter and to complete the assigned questions. (The questions can be completed and submitted in Teams, or written by hand and turned in upon return to school.) If a chapter was completed in class, it will be uploaded to Teams by 12:30 the same day. No new post = no new chapter to read. Keeping up-to-date with the story will be critical to demonstrating an understanding of the text. Thank you in advance for your hard work!



** Celebration of Learning Conferences - This Thurdsay (March 2) from 4:30 - 7:30. **
Please see information sent home from the school office for all the details. See you there! :)

1. Read, read, read! Je lis or or a French reading site of your choice!

2. Science - "La création d'un peuple extra-terrestre" (Design Process Project) - due Monday, March 6
Project outline and criteria were handed out and discussed in class today.
Students will have their last work period for planning and completing their rough copies tomorrow (Tuesday). They will then be expected to complete the final representation (good copy) at home. Students requiring additional support, or who would benefit from completing their project during school hours may pre-arrange a noon-hour work schedule with Mme Careen.
Photos of the project booklet are below. The files are also uploaded in Teams (Science).

3. Lemonade and Bookmarks for Reading! - Last one is tomorrow!
Every Tuesday for the month of February, lemonade and bookmarks will be sold in front of the office at lunchtime, with proceeds going to the Children's Hospital. Lemonade - $2, Bookmark - $1. Exact change is appreciated! :)

4. Le casse-croûte has reopened
Hours of operation: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:50 - 12:10. 

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