Hello! Happy Monday!
Today in Math we put our knowledge of factors and le pgfc (plus grand facteur commun) to good use: We calculated how we can offer perfect squares of cake to our guests at a party!
Check out the question below:
Please ask me what strategy my table group and I used to arrive at the answer. What are the dimensions of the biggest piece (square) of cake? How many square pieces of cake were we able to get with these dimensions?
Who knew Math could be so useful and delicious?!
Looking forward to a great week!
1. Read, read, read! Je lis or https://jeunesse.short-edition.com/ or a French reading site of your choice!
2. Français 🧠Brainwork: Think about the subject and descriptive words for your Le Chandail de Hockey Haiku. We will begin working on our drafts in class tomorrow.
3. Science 🧠Brainwork : Notice different classification systems around you: are they efficient and easy to follow? Could you easily introduce a new object into the system without having to start from scratch? Be prepared to discuss in class tomorrow.
4. Lemonade and Bookmarks for Reading! - TOMORROW!
Every Tuesday for the month of February lemonade and bookmarks will be sold in front of the office at lunchtime, with proceeds going to the Children's Hospital. Lemonade - $2, Bookmark - $1. Exact change is appreciated! :)
Every Tuesday for the month of February lemonade and bookmarks will be sold in front of the office at lunchtime, with proceeds going to the Children's Hospital. Lemonade - $2, Bookmark - $1. Exact change is appreciated! :)
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