Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Show Up! Listen Up! Speak Up!

Hello, friends of learning! 

This morning, we had the opportunity to participate in the "Anti-Black Racism Presentation," presented by Inspiration Republic. Students from all five middle schools in the school division attended the virtual event.

The presentation sought to empower students to put an end to Anti-Black racism, and stressed the importance of treating everyone with kindness and respect no matter what they look like. (You can see a short promo video of the presentation by clicking this link: Anti-Black Racism Presentation: People You May Know)

Over the hour-long presentation, in addition to a virtual tour of the black settlement in Buxton, ON and the sharing of stories of "People You May Know," we learned/reviewed/experienced the definitions and analogies of:

  • racism: the unfair treatment of a person simply because of the colour of their skin
  • racism in systems: the unfair treatment in the education/healthcare/justice system of someone because of the colour of their skin (* high school police story)
  • microagression: small, subtle and often unintended form of discrimination (* papercut analogy)
  • white privilege: advantage of a white person on the basis of their race (* running a 10k race with a 50lb backpack analogy)
  • allyship: standing up for others and taking up someone else's struggle as your own (applies to racism, but can also apply to anyone who is struggling.)

We learned that we can all be agents of change, starting today. We don't have to wait until we're older. When we: Show Up! Listen Up! Speak Up! we can rise up, together.

After the presentation, we took time to reflect individually and each committed to something we can do, starting today, to be an ally. Mme compiled our ideas into a list (see below) that will be posted in our classroom as a reminder of how we can be a friend to others.

It's important that the discussion of these themes extends beyond the classroom. Please take time over the coming days and weeks to continue the conversation started in the presentation today. We all play an important role in building a safe, equitable and welcoming community.



* Good luck to all athletes playing in the Atomic Basketball tournament tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon! Be sure you have handed in your permission forms to your coaches so that you can attend! *


1. Read, read, read! Je lis or or a French reading site of your choice!

2. Français: Haiku du Chandail de hockey - brouillon: jeudi, copie finale: lundi, 13 février.
Assignment outline is in Teams.

3. Lemonade and Bookmarks for Reading! Every Tuesday for the month of February, lemonade and bookmarks will be sold in front of the office at lunchtime, with proceeds going to the Children's Hospital. Lemonade - $2, Bookmark - $1. Exact change is appreciated! :)

4. Le casse-croûte has reopened
Hours of operation: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:50 - 12:10.

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