Thursday, February 23, 2023

Thursday Agenda Items (with a new Science project outline)!



1. Read, read, read! Je lis or or a French reading site of your choice!

2. Math: Multiples and factors assessment - Tomorrow! (Friday)  

3. Hé Ho! Festival du Voyageur Activities at Ness - Tomorrow! (Friday)
Students will rotate through a series of activities (both inside AND outside) in the afternoon. Please ensure to have warm clothing for the outside rotation; there are two outdoor stations which may occur back-to-back for a total of ~ 50 minutes outside.

4. Science - "La création d'un peuple extra-terrestre" (Design Process Project) - due Monday, March 6
Project outline and criteria were handed out and discussed in class today.
Students will receive 4 class periods for planning and completing their rough copies. They will then be expected to complete the final representation (good copy) at home. Students requiring additional support, or who would benefit from completing their project during school hours may pre-arrange a noon-hour work schedule with Mme Careen.
Photos of the project booklet are below. The files are also be uploaded in Teams (Science).

5. Lemonade and Bookmarks for Reading!
Every Tuesday for the month of February, lemonade and bookmarks will be sold in front of the office at lunchtime, with proceeds going to the Children's Hospital. Lemonade - $2, Bookmark - $1. Exact change is appreciated! :)

6. Le casse-croûte has reopened
Hours of operation: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:50 - 12:10. 

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