Thursday, March 16, 2023

So long, Term 2!

And, that's a wrap on Term 2!

What a busy few months of learning we've had!

We'll be finishing up a few odds and ends next week leading up to the break while also getting ourselves set for Term 3. It's going to be great!

Have a great Friday + weekend, everyone! :)


Spring Spirit Week starts Monday! 

Monday: C'est le prinTEMPS
Dress in spring clothes or in the colours of spring!

(Check out THIS POST for all other dress-up details!)


1. Read, read, read! Je lis or or a French reading site of your choice!

2. Zamboni novel study - Please see Teams for a résumé sample. A résumé of the text was written in class today. Please complete and post in Teams by 4:00pm Friday (tomorrow). All chapters are posted in Teams as a reference.

3. DodgeBall Intramurals! 

Jeudi le 23 mars 12:15-12:30 6-1 vs 6-4
                  12:30-12:45 6-2 vs 6-3

4. Badminton ID Camps:

TODAY! Jeudi le 16 3:45-5:30pm Filles/Girls
et continue la semaine du 20 au 24 Mars 
Lundi le 20 3:45-5:30 Garçons/Boys
Mercredi le 23 3:45-5:30pm Filles/Girls
Jeudi le 24 3:45-5:30 Garçons/Boys

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