Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Question of the day: Would the Hindenburg fit in our schoolyard?

Hello! Happy Tuesday!

Today in Science we set out to see if the Hindenburg, measuring at a length of 245m long and 41m in diameter would fit in our schoolyard. Armed with meter sticks and mental math strategies (for adding 18 together multiple times) we determined that yes, lengthwise it would just fit.

Imagining something that large flying through the sky is incredible!



* I will be away at a Math meeting tomorrow morning and will not be checking my email. If anything urgent pops up, please call the school office directly (204-837-1361). I will catch up on email Thursday morning when I am back at school. Thank you.

1. Read, read, read! Je Lis or another Français site of your choice! Try: https://www.ebookids.com/
(The musical note indicates the book will be read aloud.)

2. A reminder to please bring in the signed permission slip for the upcoming Winnipeg General Strike Walking Tour field trip by TOMORROW (Wednesday). Forms were sent home last week.

3. CFOO - Finale! Our last CFOO presentations will take place Monday, June 26. Students may choose any of the 15 categories for their speech and may repeat a category they have already done, but may not repeat the exact same speech.
Assignment outline is posted in Teams.

4. Ask me about the Hindenburg explosion! Here is another clip we watched in class today. 

5. We will be doing a francophone music listening activity in class this week. To facilitate this process (and to not have 20 different songs playing aloud in the class at once) students should have their own headphones to use. While additional pairs may be available, this is not always a guarantee. Thank you for your support with this item.

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