Wednesday, September 28, 2022

French Games with a Teacher Guest!

Hello, learning friends!

Today in Français we had a special visitor - Mme Gonzales! Mme Gonzales will be with us once a cycle to work on different literacy activities. Today we had a chance to play French games! Having previously played different "Qui suis-je" themes as a whole class, today was our first chance to play them in small groups!

Please ask me about my game! What theme did I have? What new words did I learn? Did I figure out who the mystery person was?



* Please send back Grade 6 Immunization Forms AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! (Forms were due back today (Monday)). Thank you!

1. Atomic Volleyball is starting this week! Head to the gym at 12:10 to join! No previous volleyball experience needed - everyone is welcome!

Girls: Mondays and Wednesdays

Boys: Tuesdays and Thursdays

2. ORANGE SHIRT DAY - Students are encouraged to wear an orange shirt TOMORROW (Thursday, September 29.)

3. Fitness Club - Interested in working on your fitness? New to Ness this year: a fitness club that will run on Days 2, 4, and 6 at 12:10. Information meeting is Thursday, September 29 at 12:10 in the choir room.

1 comment:

  1. C'était tellement amusant d'être avec vous aujourd'hui :)
