Hello! Happy Monday!
The Math Challenge of the Day: Quatre Quatres (Four Fours)!
Make the numbers 0 - 16 using 4 4s and any operations.
(Brackets and exponents of 2 are also permitted.)
Please ask me: What number was the easiest to solve for? The hardest? What number could I not solve for? What numbers had more than 1 solution?
Also, please consider today's silly debate question:
Does a straw have one hole or two? 🤔 |
Please ask me about some of the arguments made today during our discussion. Not many people were swayed from their original opinion...
1. CFOO #2 - Créativité. Presentations are Monday, December 19.
2. Read, read, read! Please set aside a minimum of 10 minutes each evening to read in French. Je Lis (our home reading site) is now set up and ready to use. Please see the email sent home last week for more the details. https://jeunesse.short-edition.com/ is another great site if looking for a bit of variety.
3. Lunchtime clubs and activities: There is so much happening over the noon hour! A list of activities are reviewed each morning during morning announcements. If there is something you're hoping to be involved in, please make sure you know where to be!
4. A message from the school (Mme Troop): With the holiday spirit in the air, I wanted to find a way for our students to give back to the community (and promote physical activity:) ). I will be organizing 3 dodgeball games (12:10-12:45) leading up to the break. Entry into the game will be 1 non-perishable food item in a tin can. The Grade 6 game will be Wednesday, December 21.
5. SPIRIT WEEK! NEXT WEEK! See THIS POST for all the info!