Hello! Happy Tuesday!
This morning in Math we welcomed Mrs. Jones, one of our school division's Numeracy coaches. Working in pairs, we explored how to represent decimal numbers using base-ten blocks.
The centaine, dizaine and unité blocks we are used to "transformed" into unité, dixième and centième blocks for this task.
We will use the ideas introduced today later this week as we begin exploring the multiplication of decimal numbers.
Please ask me about this morning's Math-tivity. What did I notice? How can we switch one set of blocks to represent another? What did I find challenging? Did I have an "A HA!" moment?
(The musical note indicates the book will be read aloud.)
2. Science research - completed sheets are OVERDUE
3. Math Sondage - final copy is OVERDUE
4. CFOO #8 - Créativité - Wednesday, May 17
Presentation outline is posted in Teams.
** Track and Field practices begin this week! Please refer to the information sent home from the office this weekend for more info. **
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