Hello! Happy Monday!
Today in class we worked on a special drawing-monsters task. Over the past few weeks, the students in Mme McKenzie's class have been working on their technical writing by creating a specific set of steps to draw a monster, and we were tasked with testing out the instructions! We each received a set of instructions to follow in order to create a unique monster-piece.
Please ask me about the monster(s) I drew. What parts were the easiest? The most challenging?
Thanks to Mme McKenzie and the students in Room 209 for including us in their fun writing activity!
(The musical note indicates the book will be read aloud.)
2. Science research - completed sheets are due tomorrow (Tuesday).
No further class time will be given. Students had the opportunity to work over the noon hour today. Any additional work must now be completed at home.
3. Math Sondage - final copy due tomorrow (Tuesday).
No further class time will be given. Students had the opportunity to work over the noon hour today. Any additional work must now be completed at home.
** Track and Field practices begin this week! Please refer to the information sent home from the office this weekend for more info. **
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