Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Tuesday Agenda Items



** Track and Field practices continue this week!
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday - Sprints and Distance - 7:55
Wednesday - Practice cancelled
Friday - Shot out, discus, long jump - 7:55

1. Read, read, read! Je Lis or another Français site of your choice! Try: https://www.ebookids.com/
(The musical note indicates the book will be read aloud.)

2. CFOO #8 - Créativité - Wednesday, May 17 THURSDAY, MAY 18
Presentation outline is posted in Teams.

3. Math Review Questions - Thursday 
Students worked on a set of review questions today in class. The review touches on: fractions (equivalence and simplifying), ratio, percents, decimal numbers, an application questions of these concepts. These questions will be corrected in class on Thursday. 
Students will then complete a short assessment of these concepts in class next week (likely Thursday).

4. We are going on a field trip!
All Grade 6 students will be participating in AAiM Day on Thursday, May 25.
We will leave the school at 11:45 and return by 2:30.
Permission forms were sent home today and are due back no later than Tuesday, May 23.
There is no cost for this outing.

5. Live Different Assembly - Thursday
In the past, these assemblies have sometimes had a very high volume level of music. If you are sensitive to loud sounds, consoder bringing earplugs to ensure the presentation is more enjoyable.

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